Little Is Much With God

“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.” (Matthew 11:42)

As children, most of us had a Sunday School teacher that we will never forget.

My favorite Sunday School teacher loved sports and was a good athlete, qualities that would connect with almost any little boy. But it was the warm and gentle side of him that I never forgot.

Mr. Conway loved the Lord and he shared that love with all of us. Even though I wasn’t saved, I remember how genuine his faith seemed to be. My sister tells me that it is just as genuine today as it was in the 1960’s when he so indelibly impressed me.

We had fun in our class talking about those things that would interest any boy in his pre-teen years. In spite of our zeal to run the clock out, he always made sure that sufficient time remained for us to study God’s Word. I guess he knew how precious those 45 or 50 minutes were, since most of us probably wouldn’t open our Bibles until we saw him again next Sunday.

He never forced Jesus on me, but he showed me the love of Jesus every week. I could see it on his face and in his life. Oh yes, I was watching him. You see he taught me that we were all sinners. Yet I never did see that chink in his armor as I stood by and watched him live out his faith.

I wasn’t saved until almost thirty years later. But you know what? I never forgot the peace and contentment that I saw in his eyes every Sunday. I realize now how much he had to do with my decision to accept Jesus Christ. That first glimpse of Jesus made a difference!

My son occasionally helps out in the nursery in my church. As I was walking down the hall with him the other day, I thought about Mr. Conway as I passed all those teachers who were in their classrooms, eagerly greeting children as they arrived. I hope they realize the difference they are making, even though it may not show up for years to come.

The Psalmist says that God will “reward each person according to what he has done.” (Psalms 62:12) I believe some of the greatest rewards that we will see in heaven will come from the differences that we never knew we made in the lives of others.

My wife has a favorite hymn, “Little is much when God is in it”. I think of all those Sunday School teachers and nursery workers when I hear the second verse:

Does the place you’re called to labor
Seem too small and little known?
It is great if God is in it,
And He’ll not forget His own.

To all of you who wonder whether you’re making a difference in the lives of those children you see every Sunday in your nurseries and Sunday School rooms, remember what Jesus said: “…for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)

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