Jesus Is The Same Miracle Worker Today We Read About In John

“And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” (John 20:30-31

When I first came to know Jesus, confusion set in about what had just happened to me. I sought the counsel of my pastor, a Presbyterian minister, who suggested I begin my newfound life with Bible study. “Start with the Book of John,” he advised. “It’s a book of miracles just like the one you’ve experienced.”

I give that very same advice to new Christians today. When I read about those miracles, it helped me to better understand the miracle of salvation. Just like me in my newfound life, none of those for whom Jesus produced a miracle deserved it. They didn’t do anything to earn it. They simply believed in his power to help them.

My study of John didn’t just show me what a wonderful man Jesus was. It reminded me what a great God he is! All those recorded miracles are not just something done in the past for those who believed in him. They are reminders of his power today to deliver souls from hell, heal the brokenness we see in our families, produce financial miracles, cure disease – you name it. He continues to be a wonder-working God!

When I reflect back on John, I wonder about the miracles Jesus performed that didn’t make it in the Bible. John, under the power of the Holy Spirit, had to make some tough decisions about which miracles to write about. However, there is no doubt that there were countless others that he and Jesus’ followers witnessed that were just as important – miracles that changed lives forever.

The same is true today, but sadly some churches don’t embrace and celebrate the power of Jesus to change lives the way he did in the time of John. Think about it. In your own church, there are scores of members who can report a miracle that Jesus brought in their own lives, or in the life of a family member. Just like many of the miracles that John didn’t write about, for whatever reason, they are just as real and they changed someone’s life in as wonderful and dramatic of a way as they did when he walked among us. You need to hear them from time to time. They are faith-building. Their power will help to renew your belief in ever-present power of Jesus Christ.

If you attend a church that doesn’t believe in miracles, you need to pray if that is the church to which you need to belong. I won’t recommend that you leave because there are many other reasons why the Lord would have you stay where you are. What I can tell you, however, is the church that fails to celebrate the full power that faith in Christ can bring to life today is shortchanging its members of what the Gospel really means—No matter what the circumstances, there is always hope in Christ!

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