Why I Choose To Lose Old Friends And Follow Him

“Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12)

I think my newspaper column is coming to an end in one of my newspapers. It has appeared in that newspaper for almost fifteen years. Many of my readers there have told me how much they looked forward to it. If this is true, then why?

The newspaper industry has changed so much over the last decade. As a print medium, it is struggling to maintain readership due to the Internet. Even I find myself catching up on the news over my smartphone because I don’t have time to sit down and read the paper. When I do sit down with the newspaper, I found that I’ve already read much of what it’s reporting.

The industry has also become self-conscious about what it prints. The last thing they want to do is run off readers. Therefore, they have become very careful about what they allow to grace their pages – even their religion page. For example, I recently wrote a column that was rejected by one of my newspapers. While the column was about the truth of Scripture, I opened it with a story about what a newspaper editor once told me. After I had complained about some untruths in an article, he said “We’re not interested in the truth, just the facts.”

My editor called me and asked me to submit a substitute column. “We believe this probably belongs more on the editorial page than the religion page,” he told me.

I couldn’t have disagreed more but what choice did I have? We discussed it with each other briefly, but I soon realized it wasn’t going to make any difference. However, he is a fellow Christian and has become a friend over the years, so I decided to write him after I sent a substitute column.

“After our discussion last week, I have become gun shy – not good for a religion columnist. I sent the column… but wanted to personally let you know that this column has run… before, so it should be okay, although it, too, may be viewed as ‘opinion’. By the way, not to argue as I have realized I have some pride of authorship, but all belief systems are steeped in opinion. Frankly, I think you guys are afraid of printing what I consider to be Truth out of fear you will lose readership. I believe the truth I write about keeps the subscribers you have. Just need to get it off my chest. Always your friend, Mike.”

Did you ever think the day would come when you were told that Christian viewpoints belonged on an editorial page rather than a religion page? This all points out that the Gospel offends and Jesus told us we would suffer for it. “If anyone desires to come after me,” he said, “let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? For whoever is ashamed of me and my words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when he comes in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels.” (Luke 9:23-27)

I plan to proclaim the Truth of the Gospel for as long as I live. Why? Because I made a promise to the Lord when he saved me and rescued me from a horrible situation in which I found myself. “Lord, I know I’ve told you many times I would never let you down again, but if you get me out of this jam, I promise you I will serve you the rest of my life.”

He delivered and I plan to keep my promise until he calls me home.

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